Alien4Cloud DEEP

AngularJS, Spring Boot (Java), Docker

Description Alien4Cloud is a cloud deployments management and designer tool. It uses templates written in Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) to create cloud deployments. These deployments can be either whole infrastructures such as kubernetes clusters where you specify the configuration of the virtual machines, the network, the configuration, etc. or application deployments on existing infrastructures such as a Mesos+Marathon cluster. Alien4Cloud doesn't create the actual deployment, it communicates the TOSCA recipe to an orchestrator to be created in the cloud.

Work My work included creating a plugin in Java to connect to the orchestrator used in the DEEP project, extending the functionality of Alien4Cloud, and improving the support for TOSCA in both the software's parser and in the UI respectively. I also took care of the actual deployment of the tool, so the interested parties could take advantage of it.